Name:   Jochen Heizmann
 Dir.:   mods, gfx

Hello to all Amiga Users out there!

My name is Jochen Heizmann, but all people call me Joe. In the
Computerszene I call me "Chip-O-Joe", or short: "Chipy". I was born
on the 13. Septembre 1980 in Germany (Black Forest).

A long, long, time ago, I think it was 1988, I make my first contacts
with computers, with the new Schneider PC of my father. One Diskdrive
and no Harddisk. At this time I began to programm in GW Basic. 1991
I bought my own computer, and this was a Amiga 500 with 1 MB Ram. At
this time everybody I showed my computer says: "Wooooow!". A short
time later, the whole city was full of Amiga Users. But 1993 the
most Amiga Users bought PCs. Now, in the year 1996, there is a
big group of Amiga Users, in the city I live. Now I`ve got
an Amiga 1200 with 10 MB Ram. I programm with my Amiga,
play games and used it for school! The only thing I made with
PC is things like eMail and Internet. But only, because I have
now own phone :-(

When I know that I will make the GFX and MOD directory I was very
happy, altough it was a lot of work (fun). I will send thanks to
Frank Walter, because he helped me with the GFX directory. THX

When I didn`t sitting in front of my Amiga, I read comics (Donald,
Mickey, Goofy), I play keyboard, table tennis, I phone around
the world or I hear music....

And here I few things, I hate:

  Windows, Bill gAIDS, People who are laughing about others....

What I do with my computer?

I write Mods with the Protracker, play games, learn for school and
I programming... (mainly games).

In the Aminet is a game by me. `Danger Dogg`! It must be under
game/jump. It`s very nice...

My projects:

    Packer - A little packer, speacial for prgrammers...
    MODPlayer - The ModPlayer with the best GFX around...
    L0G!C - Little thinking game...

The biggest project I`m working on is `Lost World`, an
action/puzzle/strategy game. I can`t say much about it, because
it`s in the beginning of development.

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